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Living And Learning In One Loving Community

Strike Action 2 March 2023 Letter

 22 February 2023


Dear Parents/Carers I am writing to inform you that the NEU have declared strike action again, which will take place on:


• 2 March – regional strike in the South West, South East and London


I’m getting in touch to give you as much notice as possible about our arrangements for 2nd March as some members of our teaching team, who belong to the National Education Union (NEU), have decided to take industrial action and strike on this day.


Owl Class, Kingfisher Class and Haddon Class will be closed on this day. Little Owls Nursery and Burridge Class will remain open as normal. Treehouse will be open for Burridge Class as normal, as will transport arrangements.


If your child is in one of the classes that is closed and your child is entitled to benefit related free school meals, (please note, this is not the same as universal free school meals for all children in Reception and Key Stage 1), then the school can provide a packed lunch which can be collected from 11.30am on that day. The office team will be calling you early next week to confirm if you would like to book a lunch.


I’m sorry that you will have to make alternative arrangements for your child and that they will experience disruption to their education but the decision to take action by staff has not been taken lightly. I also understand that this situation may be frustrating and ask that all members of our school community continue to treat each other with respect.


There are online learning activities on our school website. We are working closely with our staff union representatives to keep up to date with the situation and I will inform you as soon as possible if arrangements change further.


We will continue to review our provision and communicate about our opening arrangements for the next proposed strike dates, 15th and 16th March, nearer the time.


Yours sincerely


Keith Mansell

Interim Executive Headteacher
