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Living And Learning In One Loving Community


Safeguarding Statement


We recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all pupils. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children and young people are respected and valued. We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure children and young people receive effective support, protection and justice.



The Exmoor Federation has a Designated Safeguarding Lead, Keith Mansell (Interim Executive Headteacher), who is trained to Level 3 - Advanced Child Protection by the Somerset Local Safeguarding Children's Partnership. Refresher training is attended every two years.

In Mr Mansell's absence, the safeguarding deputies who are also trained in 'Advanced Child Protection' are Stephanie Howard, (Senior Teacher & SENCO), Janet Calladine (Senior Teacher) and Rachel Stephens (LSA and Treehouse Lead).

All other staff are trained to Level 1 - Basic Child Protection Awareness which is refreshed every year and all our staff have an enhanced DBS check.

The Designated Safeguarding Governor is Anna Beck

If you have any concerns regarding safeguarding / child protection, please come in and talk to the Designated Lead.


Looked after children and previously looked after children

Our designated teacher for Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children is Stephanie Howard, SENCO.


Child Sexual Exploitation

Our designated contact for Child Sexual Exploitation is Keith Mansell.

Somerset Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

Online Safety


Children and young people spend increasing amounts of time online, and have increasing access to it - be it on mobile phones, laptops, tablets, pcs or games consoles. Pupils at school now have never known a world without the internet. It is a great way to socialise, explore and have fun. But children do face risks like cyberbullying or seeing inappropriate content. Please look at the links below to keep yourself informed about online safety. 

While children seem to know what they’re doing, sometimes their parents don’t – and that can be a worry.  That’s why the NSPCC and O2 have partnered to help parents keep their kids safe online.

A Parent’s Guide to Dealing with ‘Sexting’ 

It can turn into every parent’s worst nightmare – their child taking explicit or inappropriate pictures of themselves, sharing them with others via the internet or their mobile phone and losing control of the image in the process. The below link will help parents work through how to deal with the incident and how to take control.

In school we regularly talk about internet safety issues and how children can be SMART.

