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Living And Learning In One Loving Community


School admissions


Admissions arrangements can be found in the Somerset County Council admissions policy. 


If you are moving to the area and wish to apply for a place at our School, please contact us and we would be delighted to arrange a visit to show you and your child around the school.


In-year applications can be made directly to the school using the form below.

Where an application has been refused in any year group, the child will be placed on a waiting list. This will be kept strictly in order of oversubscription criteria by the Local Authority, as the Admission Authority, and the child will remain on the waiting list until the end of the academic year in which the application was refused. Parents are responsible for informing the Admission Authority of any changes in their circumstances, which could affect their place on the waiting list.


Apply to start at Little Owls Nursery 

A child can start our nursery from birth. Please contact the nursery to request an application form.


Apply to start at All Saints Church of England Infant School

A child can start school in the September after they turn four.

All applications for a starting school place in September 2022 must be made to your home authority – this is who you pay your council tax to.

If you live in Somerset, you can apply online on the Somerset County Council Admissions website.


Apply to start at Dulverton Junior School

All applications for a junior school place in September 2022 must be made to your home authority when your child is in year two.

If you live in Somerset, you can apply online on the Somerset County Council Admissions website.


Apply to start Secondary School

When your child is ready to transfer to secondary school, their application can be made online on the Somerset County Council Admissions website.
